Brief Curriculum Vitae for 

Sandy Vekasy

Humanities Department

Evangel UniversitySpringfield, Missouri



Current Employment:

·      Associate Professor of English, Evangel University, Springfield, Missouri, 1970-2013

      Professor Emeritus 2013-present



*  Bowling Green State University, ABD, English, 1978

*  Bowling Green State University, M.A., American Studies, 1969

*  Bowling Green State University, B.S. in Education, English and Elementary Education, 1964.


Teaching Experience:  

*  Associate Professor of English, Evangel University, 1970-2013

*  Instructor of Writing/Literature, School of Extended Studies, Southwest Baptist University, 1987

*  Instructor of Creative Writing, Springfield Art Museum, Summer 1983

*  Teaching Fellow in English, Bowling Green State University, 1977-1978

*  Instructor of English, Western Illinois University, 1969-1970

*  Instructor of English, Youngstown Public Schools, 1967-1968

*  Instructor of English, Warren City Schools, 1964-1965


Professional Responsibilities:

*  Sponsor, Sigma Tau Delta, International English Honorary, Evangel University, 1981-present

*  Member of Assessment Council, Evangel University,


*  Library Representative, Humanities Department, Evangel University, 1980-2005

*  Coordinator of Freshman English, Evangel University, 1973-1976

*  Work-study Supervisor, Evangel University, 1970-present

*  New Student Orientation Advisor, Evangel University,


*  Evangel University Women’s Auxiliary member, 2005-present





*  “Marriage in The Damnation of Theron Ware,” Epiphany 1973, Evangel University.

*  “Alpha,” “Omega,” “Psalm 37,” and “28 August 1974” (poetry), Epiphany 1984, Evangel University.  

*  “J32” in O’Donnell, et al.  A Bibliography of Writings By and About Harold Frederic, G.K. Hall & Co., Boston, Massachusetts.

*  “When a Missionary Retires,” Pentecostal Evangel, November 17, 1974, 20-21.

*  “Consider the Door,” Pentecostal Evangel, October 13, 1985, 19.


     Ghost Written: Pentecostal Evangel

*  “New Church Dedicated,” October 27, 1974.

*  Mossi Bible Project Nears Completion,” November 10, 1974.

*  “In the Lord’s Name,” November 24, 1974

*  “Simon’s Christmas Treasure,” Christmas Edition, 1974.

*  “Red as a Rain Spider,” December 8, 1974.

*  “Holidays or Holy Days,” December 15, 1974.

*  “Staggering But Possible,” December 29, 1974.

*  “To the Uttermost Parts,” January 12, 1975.

*  “Ana Bella,” January 19, 1975.

*  “Minutes of Missions,” January 19, 1975.

*  “Less Than One Percent Free,” January 26, 1975.

*  “Before the Colors Fade, February 9, 1975.

*  “But, Doctor, I Am Walking!” February 16, 1975.

*  News Stories, February 23, 1975.

*  “Lisbon,” March 23, 1975.

*  “Nursing Is Not Enough,” April International Edition, 1975.

*  “The Joy of Firstfruits,” April 20, 1975.

   Mountain Movers

*  “Bible Days Come to Belem,” March/April, 1975.

*  “A Place Called Forsaken,” March/April, 1975.

   Advance Magazine

*  “Far East Update,” April, 1975.

*  “African Update,” May, 1975.

  World Pentecost Magazine

*  “South America: Seven Field Profiles”



*  Copy Editor -- The Vision 2004-2006.  Evangel University Catalog, 2004.

*  Copy Editor – Quigley, Marilyn Estes. Hell Frozen Over: The Battle of the Bulge. Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse, 2004.

*  Copy Editor – NCA Progress Report on Assessment, Evangel University, 2002.

*  Editor – Pierce, Burton W.  Our Glorious Tomorrow.  Daybreak Publishers, 1991.

*  Copy Editor, Sunday School Counselor, Gospel Publishing House, 1988-1996.

*  Writer/Editor, Bible Research, Inc., 1988-1990.

*  Editor – Johansson, Calvin. Music and Ministry:  A Biblical Counterpoint. Hendrickson Publishers, Inc., 1982.

*  Editorial Assistant, Division of Foreign Missions, Gospel Publishing House, 1974-1975.

*  Editorial Advisor, Epiphany, Evangel University, 1972-1975, 1980-1986.

*  Editor – Man and His Culture Handbook, Evangel University, 1971.

*  Editor – Ph.D. dissertations, articles, chapters, brochures, newsletters, literary magazines , novels 


Courses Taught:

*  American Literature before the Civil War

*  American Literature after the Civil War

*  Introduction to Literature

*  Creative Writing

*  Expository Writing

*  Composition

*  Novel and Short Fiction

*  Modern American Authors

*  Seminar:  Major Works/Minor American Writers and Minor Works/Major American Writers

*  Seminar:  The Literature of the Roaring Twenties

*  Structures of American English

*  Reading Methods in High School



*  Teacher of Wisdom Award – 25 Years Service, 1995; 35 Years Service, 2005 – General Council of the Assemblies of God.

*  Who’s Who in the Midwest – 1980-1981.

*  Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers – 2000-01, 2004-05, 2006.

*  Sigma Tau Delta Awards – Sponsor, 15 Years, 2000; Sponsor 20 Years, 2005.